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Introduction to Python

Python is general purpose programming language, its interpreter and compact. Its readable like pseudo code. Technically talking python is a dynamic typing language and object oriented. It has lot of functional programming features to support compact programming. It has meta programming to change python constructs itself. Its extensible in C/C++.  Python used for web programming, scientific and numeric computing, scripting, testing, automation also.  
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FMEA Types and steps involved

FMEA means Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. There are 3 types of FMEAs.  System FMEA (SFMEA) Design FMEA  (DFMEA) Process FMEA  (PFMEA) SFMEA is for System and used to analyze the failures of the end product in a customer's system. It focuses on the potential failure modes associated with the functions of the end product.  DFMEA begins with the development of information to understand the system, subsystem or component being analyzed and defines their functional requirements and characteristics. It focuses on potential failure modes associated with the function of each system, subsystem or component being analyzed.  PFMEA is used to analyze manufacturing and assembly processes. It focuses on process inputs.  FMEA Processes - Steps Involved  There are 13 steps in creating an FMEA. Please find the attached diagram. Step 2: Define the Function  What is the system, the sub system or process steps supposed to d...

Anatomy of embedded Linux system

Linus Torvalds released 1st version of Linux kernel in 1991.  Much lower used as desktops and mainly used for embedded applications. In embedded systems, Linux has been ported to many architectures including ARM. It’s an open software, and some pros of open source software - reduces software costs, full control of source code, wide usage of components can improve quality, easy to evaluate new software. In the anatomy of embedded Linux system, these 4 items are very important - Tool chain, Boot loader, Kernel and File system. This is the basic diagram- we have 2 main components Host and Target.  Tool chain indicates the tools and software required for developing software on the target platform. Example compiler, Binutils, C library, debugger, kernel headers etc.  If we have to debug kernel headers, serial debugger can be used. If CPU wants to be debugged,  JTAG debugging tool must be used.  Please refer below image.  Binutils is a coll...

Phishing - Introduction

Many of us receive phishing emails from bank saying “Dear Client, we have to login to your account to verify your credentials. When you actually login by using your details, it says “unable to login” or some error message, in background what happens is your credentials has been stolen and this is what email phishing. What is OAuth (Open Authorization)? Hackers are exploiting a cloud protocol called OAuth . It’s not specific to google attack. OAuth or open standard for authorization is a standardized way for internet accounts to link with 3 rd party applications. It is universally adopted by almost all web-based applications and platforms – including consumer as well as enterprise applications such as google Apps, Microsoft office, sales force and many others. OAuth powers the cloud, enabling the API economy, enhancing user experience.   At the same time in the wrong hands OAuth can be a weapon and it’s a night mare for IT security teams. Example, Attacker set...

FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

An FMEA is basically a Risk Analysis Tool that helps us, in a structured way, to detect all potential sources of failure in a design and all process steps, against functional requirements, including their effects and their causes.  Product fail to satisfy customer requirements and expectations due to following reasons: Errors in design Product misuse Flaws induced by the manufacturing processes Not understanding customer requirements properly Repeated defects from suppliers Re occurrence of internal failures We need a systematic method of identifying and preventing system, product and process problems before they occur.  We conduct FMEA to improve quality of final product and to reduce total cost. It contributes to improved designs for product, processes resulting in higher reliability, better quality,  increased safety and improved customer satisfaction. If FMEA is applied, number of failures will be detected at a very early stage. It decreases deve...

Introduction to Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a type of machine learning in which a model learns to perform classification tasks directly from images, text or sound. Its usually implemented using a neural network architecture. Here deep refers to the "Number of layers in the network" i.e the more layers, the deeper the network. Traditional neural network contain only 2-3 layers, but in deep network contains hundreds of layers. Deep learning example is  A self-driving vehicle slows down as it approaches a pedestrian network . Deep learning is especially well-suited to identification applications such as face recognition, text translation, voice recognition and advanced driver assistance systems and traffic sign recognition etc. Deep learning is growing faster because it really works.  What is the Difference Between Deep Learning  and Machine Learning? Deep learning is a sub-type of machine learning. For example with machine  learning, you manually extract the relevant features of...

EDGE Essentials in IIoT

EDGE Essentials in IIoT  Architecting an IIoT system begins at the edge where industrial "things" are instrumented with sensors, actuators and edge nodes.  Key attributes:  On board data processing reduces the latency for time critical control decisions.   Synchronized data can be acquired. Edge ready hardware is available. To deploy IoT systems at the edge, below mentioned are the considerations.  Data Acquisition  Data processing Control Communication Security Deployment Data Acquisition:  Data is collected using edge nodes such as sensors, actuators at the machinery. Data can be temperature, pressure, position, vibration, rpm, motor/pump speed etc. When we talk about Data Acquisition, we have to consider sample rate of the data (i.e. at what time/moment need to collect each sample/data), resolution, triggering, signal conditioning and Isolation.  Let me explain each term: Sample rate is number of samples per second ...