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Introduction to HTML5

Introduction to HTML5

What is HTML?

HTML is a markup language. XML/SGML also example for markup language and markup language is identified by tags i.e. information is represented in between tags (</>).  HTML offers a collection of tags. Purpose of HTML is for development of “Web pages”. Its standardized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) agencies.  Its extension is .html or .htm. Its not a case sensitive. 
HTML doesn’t have support for OOPS, structured programming and functional programming. HTML page can contain tags, CSS, Script.  HTML programs are not compiled, (don’t generate .exe or .obj) but interpreted. They are interpreted by layout engines (engine that understands HTML) of a browser, and these are foundations for program to get execute. HTML follows a more relaxed syntax. HTML program does not report errors and cant be debugged.

Various layout engines in different browsers:

Safari – Webkit
Firefox – Gecko
Chrome – Blink
Opera – Blink
Internet explorer – Trident
Konqueror – KHTML
These are internal engines of browser.
They are two engines in the browser – JavaScript (for JavaScript) engine and layout engine (for HTML tags).

HTML5 is latest version.

Flavors of HTML:

  • XHTML – Combination of XML and HTML
  • DHTML – Dynamic HTML
  • CHTML – Compact HTML used in resource constrained devices like mobile to render webpages (low hardware capacity).
Elements used to write an HTML program:

  • DOCTYPE: Defines the document type and HTML version.
  • Master tag  which is <head> represents the documents header which can keep other HTML tags such as <title> , <link> etc.
  • <body> tag represents the documents body which keeps other HTML tags such as <h1>, <div>, <p> etc.
  • <h1> represents highest font size for heading.
  • <p> tag for paragraph.
  • Formatting tags -It helps us t arrange information on a web page.Example:<h1> to <h6> for heading with different sizes. <center> tag to align content in center.  <br> tag for break rule (next line), <hr> for draw a line after current content.
I hope this article is helpful. Thanks for reading it.
